Ileana A. Constantinescu, DVM

Clinical Assistant Professor of Veterinary Anatomy


Ileana A. Constantinescu

BMS 5011 and 5012: Veterinary Anatomy
Dr. Constantinescu is lecturing on Developmental Anatomy including Teratology (1 credit hour), focusing on Organogenesis and Teratology.

BMS 5500: Veterinary Anatomy with lab
She is giving seven lectures on neuroanatomy, and is interested in emphasizing the “functional” anatomy of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system.


Constantinescu IA, Constantinescu GM. Clinical Dissection Guide for Large Animals: Horse and Large Ruminats. Iowa State Press, 2003.

Constantinescu GM, Palicica R, Constantinescu IA. The vasculonervous interferences in the inguinal region of the sheep. Lucrarile sectiei de patologie ale simpozionului Ameliorarea, tehnologia de crestere si patologia rumegatoarelor, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 186-190, 1981.

Constantinescu GM, Nappert G, Ileana A. Constantinescu, Frappier BL, Miller RB. An anatomo-clinical review of the landmarks for physical examination and clinical approach in the thoracic limb of the large ruminants. I. Nerve block anesthesia, arthroscopy, arthrocentesis and intraarticular analgesia. CD of the XXI World Buiatrics Congress, Punta del Este Uruguay, 2000.

Constantinescu GM, Nappert G, Frappier BL, Constantinescu IA, Miller RB. An anatomo-clinical review of the landmarks for physical examination and clinical approach rn the pelvic limb of the large ruminants. I. Nerve block anesthesia, arthroscopy, arthrocentesis and intraarticular analgesia. CD of the XXI World Buiatrics Congress, Punta del Este Uruguay, 2000

Constantinescu GM, Ileana A. Constantinescu, Turk JR, Hahn AW: Clinical correlation of canine chordae tendineae of mitral and tricuspid valve. Cardiovascular Day, Columbia, MO, Febr.12, 2001

Constantinescu GM, Constantinescu IA, Turk JR, Hahn AW. A comparative study between chordae tendineae of canine mitral and tricuspid valves. FASEB meeting, Orlando FL, March 31-April 4, 2001.

Constantinescu GM, March ZJ, Constantinescu IA, Gottdenker J. Utilizing instructional technology in teaching veterinary anatomy. FASEB meeting, Orlando FL, March 31-April 4, 2001.

Constantinescu GM, Ileana A. Constantinescu, Hahn AW, Turk JR: A study of chordae tendineae of canine tricuspid valve. J. of Morphology 248 (3), 218-219, 2001

Constantinescu GM, Hahn AW, Turk JR, Ileana A. Constantinescu: Clinical relevance of the types of connections of canine left papillary muscles in the benefit of mitral valve replacement. The 6th International Congress of the European Association of Clinical Anatomy, Montpellier, France, 13-15 Sept. 2001

Constantinescu GM, Ileana A. Constantinescu: Clinical anatomy and clinical concepts taught in the first semester to the VM 1 students in Columbia, Missouri (USA). The 6th International Congress of the European Association of Clinical Anatomy, Montpellier, France, 13-15 Sept. 2001

Constantinescu GM, Constantinescu IA, JZ March, Gottdenker J, Nieuwenhuizen T: Concepts of teaching clinical anatomy in the veterinary curriculum at the University of Missouri – USA The XVIIth International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, 11-15 September 2002

Constantinescu GM, Constantinescu IA: Teaching clinical veterinary anatomy at the University of Missouri-Columbia, U.S.A. Lucr. stint. Med. Vet. 36, 11-19, 2003

Constantinescu GM: Teaching veterinary anatomy on two continents. Pluses and minuses. Lucr. stiint. Med. Vet. 36, 20-25, 2003
Constantinescu GM, Wilson DA, Constantinescu IA, Konig HE: The anatomoclinical approach to the nerves of the thoracic limb of the horse for performing nerve block anesthesia. Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift 91, 2, 30-41, 2004

Constantinescu GM, Wilson DA, Constantinescu IA, Konig HE: The anatomoclinical approach to the nerves of the pelvic limb of the horse for performing nerve block anesthesia. Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift 91, 3, 63-71, 2004

Constantinescu Ileana A.: Teaching Developmental Anatomy of the Genital System to the VM1 students at the University of Missouri-Columbia, U.S.A., The XXVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Oslo, Norway, 28-31 July 2004

Constantinescu GM, Mann FA, Ileana A. Constantinescu: Clinical correlations of the biliopancreatic Carrefour in dogs and cats, The Experimental Biologyy meeting, San Diego, CA, 1-6 April 2005